Angel Reiki Energy Healing
Angel Reiki can help bring self-awareness, clarity, inner peace, and reduction of stress and pain to physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual ailments.*
What is Angel Reiki Energy Healing?*
With Angel Reiki, I channel Reiki and angelic energies to help tune-up your energy. Reiki Healing is a modality of energy healing that can help promote the natural healing process for the mind, body, and spirit. The Reiki practitioner acts as a channel of the universal life force energy or “chi” or “ki” to heal the client’s energy centers. The Reiki is channeled through the practitioner’s hands to the client. This practice is safe since the practitioner acts a channel of the universal life force energy, so personal energy is not exchanged between the client and the practitioner. The Reiki will also go to where it is needed and will not need to be directed. Reiki can heal across time and space, so distant sessions are as effective as in-person sessions. Clients often experience warming, cooling, or tingling sensations as they feel their energy clear and get “tuned-up.” Many of my clients have reported feeling more relaxed, peaceful, and lighter after a session. Reiki can be helpful with stress and pain management, and also can provide spiritual guidance to promote self healing.
Possible benefits of receiving Angel Reiki*:
Clears the mind for clearer thinking and better focus.
Clears energy chakras to promote your body’s natural healing process.
Helps reduce emotional, mental, and physical pain and stress.
Aids in relaxation and sleep.
Helps reduce anxiety.
Promotes harmony and balance in your life, mind, body, and spirit.
Helps with spiritual growth.
Helps with gaining perspective on life situations and learning spiritual lessons.
Gives clarity and guidance on how to keep your energy tuned-up.
Helps you move through life with more grace and ease.
Helps you move through your personal blocks and stuck energy.
Helps you let go of attachments that are not serving you.
Helps with the heart opening and clearing to allow for more love and the highest good in your life.
What to expect during a Reiki Energy Healing Session?
The 60-min session provides an energy clearing and charging of all seven major chakras, or energy centers, of the body.
The flow of the session usually follows the steps below:
The session typically will begin with an initial chat over Zoom or phone to go over any questions you may have or your intentions for the session.
Next, you may choose to sit or lay down comfortably in a quiet space. You have the option for me to lead you in a grounding meditation if you would like. You may also listen to relaxing music, use essential oils, or meditate if you wish, but it is not necessary for the Reiki to work.
I will send the distant Angel Reiki Energy Healing to you, clearing and charging all seven of your major energy centers. I am also trained to perform psychic surgery to clear the more stubborn energy blocks and unhealthy attachments, so I will use those tools as needed during the session.
We will then discuss what we both experienced during the session. I will share any messages I receive from your higher self, spirit guides, or angels. We will also discuss any suggestions or resources for next steps to help keep your energy clear and at a high vibration.
The 30-min sessions offers a quick tune-up of your energy chakras.
The flow of the 30-min sessions follows the steps above like the 60-min session, but we will not go as in-depth with all of the energy centers as with the longer session.
Optional Add-on Angel Card Reading
You may also choose to add on a 15-min Angel Card Reading for $20 to any Reiki Energy Healing session. The additional Angel Card Reading can offer further guidance and reinforce the messages from the Reiki Energy Healing session from the perspective of the angels.
Please keep in mind that prior booking a session:
You must be of 18 years or older to participate in a session.
No voice or video recording allowed.
Taking notes is encouraged.
No refunds.
Please read the complete Terms & Policies
*DISCLAIMER: Practitioners of The Angel Code LLC are not licensed physicians or healthcare professionals. You should always consult with a medical doctor or medical professional concerning any health concerns. REIKI is a complement to 'healing arts services licensed by the State', i.e., it is a complement to more traditional western medicine provided by doctors, nurses and hospitals. As a complementary or alternative medicine, REIKI does not require licensing by the state of California. Please read the Terms & Policies.
1 on 1 Session for Angel Reiki Energy Healing (30 min): $75 (virtual or phone only)
1 on 1 Session for Angel Reiki Energy Healing (45 min): $150 (virtual or phone only)
+Optional add-on Angel Card Reading (15-min): $20
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Want to start creating a life that is aligned with your unique divine self? Gain clarity and guidance by booking a session. You deserve a life full of love, joy, and happiness.
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